Friday, April 3, 2015

Rethinking Automation with Robots


Up to 90% of manufacturing tasks still can’t be practically automated. But that number is falling steadily. Smart, collaborative robots that adapt to real-world variability, excel in semi-structured environments and change applications quickly have arrived. And they are becoming the solution of choice for companies looking to boost flexibility, efficiency and quality in their operations.

An industry that once looked to automation to drive volume production is now seeking to gain an edge in flexibility.

These days, a lot of companies are calling their robots collaborative. Or intelligent. Or safe

Baxter Robots

Introducing Sawyer – revolutionary new high performance collaborative robot designed for machine tending, circuit board testing and other precise tasks that are not practical to automate with traditional industrial robots.  Sawyer will be sold in North America, Europe, China and Japan, with limited availability beginning in the summer of 2015.


With no safety cages, complex programming or costly integration required, not to mention a game-changing $25,000 price point, Baxter is a  collaborative robot useful for plants of all sizes.  Powered by the Intera platform, Baxter is a technology that improves itself over time.

Baxter Research Robot

What happens when you combine an industry-tested automation solution loaded with embedded features with an open source ROS API?  You get Baxter Research Robot – a safe, affordable, robust platform that is quickly becoming a must-have for labs and schools around the world.

The Intera Platform

A robot is only as good as its operating software.  With the Intera platform, your robots will always be improving their performance, adapting to meet your needs and updating to the latest technology available.


Need to get a grip with our versatile end effector options? Want to put your robots on a pedestal? Rethink Robotics offers a complete range of versatile accessory options you’ll need to get up and running quickly and easily.  Whether it’s standard accessories or the platform to support a fully customized solution, Baxter provides you the right tools for your job.

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