Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Hyperloop - New Transportation Technology - 2013

The system was presented by Elon Musk in his blog post.

The system is capable of speed reaching 1,220 kilometres per hour, or Mach 0.91.

The estimated cost of connecting Los Angeles and San Francisco would be $6 billion and one way ticket would be $20.

Concept of Hyperloop

A closed car or carriage having passengers (termed as pod) travels in a tube on air cushion. The car travels at around 700 miles per hour speed. The air cushion is provided by an electric compressor fan driven by batteries in the car. The fan forces air the at the front of the car to the rear of the car and thus creates the air cushion on which the car travels. The energy to the car to travel is provided by an induction motor which is powered by solar power. The electric motor provides energy at 70 miles interval.

The cost involved is the tube in billions of dollar for the 350 mile track proposed by Elon Musk. Whereas the carriages and other equipment cost millions only.

Read for more details 57 page document.

Hyperloop - Challenges Pointed out by Sam Jaffe

The compressor attached to the pod or car will be compressing air and expelling it downwards and backwards. All that air compression creates an enormous amount of heat, which has to be removed. Does the plan has a good heat exchange system?

Any structure elevated 100 feet off the ground is going to be under a lot of wind pressure, which will act on it in weird and sometimes multiple directions.  Will the concrete pylons be powerful enough to resist that pressure?

Hyperloop - Challenges - Dr.Stephen Granade

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